About the Initiative

For Responsible and Sustainable Regional Forestry

The Living Forest for a Living Region initiative connects residents of the Ždánické Forest and Chřibů region, who are not indifferent to the large-scale logging of ecologically very valuable deciduous forests. 

Our goal is to promote sustainable commercial forestry methods in the forests of southeastern Moravia and the protection of their biodiversity, which is extraordinary from the point of view of the entire Czech Republic. 

The current trend of insensitive strip mining is particularly worrying in the context of climate change. In the Czech Republic, a large part of the forests fell apart due to drought and the subsequent bark beetle disaster. The remaining stands of healthy broad-leaved forests here in Moravia are harvested in an unsparing and high-risk general manner. At the same time, the meaning of our forests is far more diverse than the mere production of wood. They help retain water, cool the environment, curb extreme climate events, store carbon, and are our natural heritage and a source of tremendous biodiversity.

We are not activists who stand against logging, but we strongly demand sustainable forms of management. We believe that a sensitive approach to management is the basis for forest conservation and will bring benefit to the entire region, all municipalities and their residents.


The Motivation Behind the Petition

To effectively reach local mayors, regional politicians, and forest managers, there must be many of us.

The petition will make it possible to collect the votes of everyone, who is not indifferent to what is happening in the forests of our region. And to express a clear opinion that we want a change in forestry management – a change from large-scale mining to practices close to nature that will ensure sustainability and a balance between economic and ecological needs. A change that will ensure the protection of the unique biodiversity of our deciduous forests.

Our Activities

Activities to Draw Attention to the Problem of Excessive Logging and the Loss of Valuable Forest Units in the Region

Here you will find information about our upcoming events.

The main topics of our public workshops and open debates are sustainable forestry, ecosystem management in the face of global climate shifts and changes, and protecting the water sources in our region.

Join and Support the Initiative

In Order to Really Change the Approach to Forest Management, We Need Your Support!

We know very well the sense of helplessness when you walk through the bare clearings of a logged forest. And how strong is the sense of doom that you, as an individual, cannot do anything about this status quo.

But there are many ways to express your opinion that it is time to stop the widespread felling of healthy forests.

You can sign a petition, join the FB group Living Forest for a Living Region, share posts, talk to your mayors, address regional politicians, write to the Directorate of Forests of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, take photos of harvested areas and post photos on social networks, support our initiative with a donation so that we can carry on with our efforts.

And above all, be interested in what is happening in the forests around you – a large part of the forests in our region belong to the state, so they are also your property. You, too, are part of the decision-making process in what conditions we want the forests to have and how they should be managed.